Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tues, Oct 21 8:30am - 11:10am

Today was another great discussion, this time about gender and sexuality in video games. It was especially a wonderful moment for me considering these are the kinds of issues that affect me directly. It's also good that we dabbled a little into race as well. Hearing about everyone's thoughts and opinions was interesting, and it was a good feeling to know that there are people who understand how I feel as well as people who brought certain topics to light.

Back to my 2D 1st person, I made some progress on my reskin of the Robot's sprite sheet but now the sprites aren't being read on Unity. It looks like I'll have to work with the Sprite Animator within Unity, but for now I'll take the focus off the sprites for a little bit to work on the rest of the level (like the platforms and the background).

As for the Holiday Card project, I really want to work with 2D elements. I enjoy doing the animation aspect more than the coding, to be honest.

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